General Aviation Maintenance
Howard Aircraft has more than 60 years of experience serving GA aircraft owners and pilots in the quad-state area of Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania. We are fully equipped to work on most piston-powered GA aircraft, and FAA certified to provide major repairs and installations for both airframes and engines. Once we work on a customer’s airplane, that customer stays with us.
Here are a few of the reasons you should check out our services:
Oil Changes
You know how many aircraft manufacturers design their birds for maximum inaccessibility, even for oil changes? Switch to us for your oil changes; your wallet will be thankful, and so will you.
Aircraft Alterations
Like more speed or performance? FAA Form 337 specifies how the mod is to be done. We’re quite familiar with many of the modifications now available.
Also, Howard Aircraft has experience with complex modifications, such as installing multi-million dollar aerial photography cameras.
One popular modification these days is installation of interior and exterior cameras for video while the aircraft is in flight.
Annual / 100 Hour Inspections
We regularly conduct both annual and 100-hour inspections. Want to know how much a fair Howard Aircraft annual costs? Give me a call here at Howard Aircraft, (304) 263-2231. Here’s a hint: If this is your aircraft’s first inspection at our shop, plan on an extra two or three hours for going through the logbooks and checking for ADs or other requirements that might have been previously missed.